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Putnam County

County Clerk

Please be advised that the Putnam County Clerk’s Office is open to Customers by Appointment only.


Welcome Message

The County Clerk is the County Registrar and Clerk of the Supreme and County Courts, in addition to other responsibilities.

Office hours are Monday through Friday from 9am to 5pm. Summer hours (mid-June through mid-September) are 8am to 4pm. His office is where you will find: maps, papers in actions and special proceedings of both civil and criminal courts, judgment and lien dockets, and other books and documents related to these matters.)

Contact the County Clerk's Office

  • Michael C. Bartolotti

    County Clerk
  • James J. McConnell

    First Deputy County Clerk

Services Offered

Business Certification

Domestic Partnership Registry

This page will give you the necessary information you will need to have a Domestic Partnership in Putnam County New York.

Fraud Alert

Get email alerts when a document is recorded in your name at the County Clerk’s Office. Click here to sign up for the free Fraud Alert service.

*Please note there may be other property owners in the County that share the samename*

Land Records

For information on Land Records & Record Searching, please go to

(revised 2/16/21)

Records Request (F.O.I.L.)

Online Application for Public Access to Records

The office of the Putnam County Clerk, in addition to many other duties, serves as the Public Information Officer in and for the County of Putnam.  The Public has the right to request certain information from various agencies within Putnam County Government by making an official written request to the office of the Putnam County Clerk using one of the available options listed below.  The request for information will be processed by this office and forwarded to the appropriate Putnam County Agency for response.  To Learn more about your rights as a citizen with respect to public records please visit the website administered by the New York State Department of State’s Committee on Open Government 

If you have any questions regarding the procedure for requesting information from Putnam County Government please contact this office via the e-mail or postal address listed below or by telephone at 845-808-1142 Ext. 49301.

Making a formal request for public records:

  • Before you submit a FOIL request, be sure to check our Public Access Portal. Some records are already available for review without submitting any paperwork! Currently any existing records for well and septic systems within Putnam County are online with more categories becoming available.
  • Use the online form to access public records and transmit your request electronically.  Your request will be process electronically and your records may be provided in electronic format or “hard copy” format ELECTRONIC F.O.I.L. FORM 
  • Download the Putnam County Application for Public Access to Records form.  You may fill out this form and deliver it to the office of the County Clerk via mail, hand delivery or facsimile at 845-228-0231.  You still have the option to request that your records be provided in electronic format or “hard copy” format
  • Compose a request for public records in your own words.  You may then deliver the request to the office of the County Clerk via conventional mail, e-mail, hand delivery or facsimile at 845-228-0231.  You still have the option to request that your records be provided in electronic format or “hard copy” format

Passport Application / Photo

US State Department Passport Application Forms The US State Department has downloadable passport application forms available on its Web site.

Pistol Permit Application

Small Claims Assessment Review (SCAR)

Electronic Filing of Small Claims Assessment Review (SCAR) Petitions is Now Mandatory.

How do I file a Small Claims Assessment Review (SCAR) Petition?

SCAR stands for “Small Claims Assessment Review” and refers to the process which allows owner-occupants of residential property to file a court case to challenge a tax assessment.  This can only be done after a property tax assessment grievance has been turned down by the local Board of Assessment review. If you have not already filed with a local Board of Assessment Review, please check with your local tax assessor to learn the dates by which your grievance must be filed on the local level.

The SCAR process is an alternative appeal process for residential property to a formal Tax Certiorari proceeding and provides for review before a Hearing Officer in an informal setting.  Your SCAR petition must be filed within 30 days of the filing of the final assessment roll in your community.  Each community may have a different assessment roll date, so please be sure to confirm the date with the municipality in which the property is located.  If the petition is filed more than 30 days after the filing of the assessment roll, your petition may be dismissed.

If you are a homeowner filing on your own behalf

If you are an Authorized Agent filing on behalf of multiple homeowners

LLC Publications

Putnam County New York  Newspapers (Updated 2024)

The Journal News

Daily Publication

One Gannett Drive | White Plains, NY  10604
Phone (855) 288-3272 | 

Putnam County Press

Weekly Publication

P.O. Box 608 | Mahopac, NY 10541
Phone: (845) 628-8400 

Putnam County Courier

Weekly Publication

P.O. Box 185 | Cold Spring, NY 10516
Phone: (845) 265-2468 | Fax: (845) 265-2144

Putnam County News & Recorder

Weekly Publication

P.O. Box 185 | Cold Spring, NY 10516
Phone: (845) 265-2468 | Fax: (845) 265-2144


Want to be an American Citizen? We can help you.

Naturalization is the process by which U.S. citizenship is granted to a foreign citizen or national after he or she fulfills the requirements established by Congress in the Immigration and Nationality Act

How to Apply for Naturalization

To apply for naturalization, file Form N-400, Application for Naturalization.

For more information, see our How Do I Apply for Citizenship? guide. We also provide educational materials to help you prepare for the English, U.S. history and civics portions of the naturalization test, including:

For more test information visit our Naturalization Test page.

If you are in the military and are interested in becoming a U.S. citizen, please see the M-599, Naturalization Information for Military guide.

You May Qualify for Naturalization if:

  • You have been a permanent resident for at least 5 years and meet all other eligibility requirements, please visit our Path to Citizenship page for more information.
  • You have been a permanent resident for 3 years or more and meet all eligibility requirements to file as a spouse of a U.S. citizen, please visit our Naturalization for Spouses of U.S. Citizens page for more information.
  • You have qualifying service in the U.S. armed forces and meet all other eligibility requirements. Visit the Military section of our website.
  • Your child may qualify for naturalization if you are a U.S. citizen, the child was born outside the U.S., the child is currently residing outside the U.S., and all other eligibility requirements are met. Visit our Citizenship Through Parents page for more information.

You may qualify through other paths to naturalization if you do not qualify through the paths described in the links to the left. See also the USCIS Policy Manual Citizenship and Naturalization Guidance and our A Guide to Naturalization guide. Chapter 4 of the guide discusses who is eligible for naturalization.

Note: You may already be a U.S. citizen and not need to apply for naturalization if your biological or adoptive parent(s) became a U.S. citizen before you reached the age of 18. For more information, visit our Citizenship Through Parents page.

Return the F.A.V.O.R

Welcome to “RETURN THE F.A.V.O.R.” Discount Program! I am pleased to sponsor a program that honors our Putnam County Veterans as well as benefits our local merchants.

Participating Veterans will file their DD214s at the Putnam County Clerk’s Office and be issued a Putnam County Veteran ID card (both services provided free of charge) enabling them to take advantage of discounts offered by local merchants. They will also receive a List of Program Rules & Conditions together with a Discount List detailing discounts available.

Participating Merchants will file a Merchant’s Discount Application with the County Clerk’s Office indicating their discount offered to Participating Veterans and will receive a participation poster for display at their place of business. See below links for further information.

Veteran Service Agency Director Karl Rhode and I look forward to your participation in this most worthwhile program.

Please do not hesitate to contact me at (845) 808-1142 x 49301 if I can be of assistance.


Michael C. Bartolotti
Putnam County Clerk


Schedule Your Appointment

Please Read the Following Information

All customers must abide by the procedures below.

Customers MUST have all forms completed prior to arriving for their appointment. All forms are available above.

If you have any questions or need assistance with scheduling or do not see the type of service that you need from our office, please contact us at:

Putnam County Clerks Office: 40 Gleneida Avenue, Carmel, New York 10512, (845) 808-1142

Please utilize the dropbox outside the County Office Building for the following and make sure to include all required paperwork:

  • Pistol Permit Amendments
  • Land Recordings (please consider e-recording land documents through one of the e-recording partners)
  • Non-Emergency Court Filings (paper cases only)
When utilizing the dropbox, please make sure to leave your name and contact information.

All appointments are ONE PER PERSON

By clicking any of the links below, I affirm that I have read, understand, and will comply with the instructions set forth.
Please note: Only ONE Applicant per time slot
Please note: Only ONE Applicant per time slot
(includes notary and photo services)
(Amendment, Duplicate, Co-Register)
(Service, Renewal, Authentication)
Please note: Only ONE Applicant per time slot
(Deed, Map, Mortgage Satisfaction, etc.)